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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

When you want to fail in an interview...

And mind you, please do not do this if you want to succeed in one.
"Its bad that you are majoring in Computer Science and you say that you are not good at it. All these Cs and Ds. I would not really give you credit if you got an 'A' in Consumer Behavior, even if you had gotten an 'A+' there..."
"May be it is - but I do not have an aptitude for Computer Science and I can not defend it. Grades speak for themselves. I do not want to defend it."

God, its fun screwing up your interviewers. And I really regret I did not do it in earlier interviews. But yes, if you can (or want to :-) ) lose an interview, do it sometime. It actually lightens your heart.



Epilogue: (10/07/2005) - This interview was the interview for entrance to IIML. And they did give me the admissions offer!