Miles to go...

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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Nostalgic Season

Its a season of nostalgic feelings - people criticized nostalgia a lot (Criticizing is something one can always do, can't one? Knowing the Gymkhana Executives, I could not really criticize formally - things do go wrong at times and the reasons are not necessarily intended carelessness on anyone's part), but Hall 2, Y1 batch seems to have done a good job at making people feel nostalgic - at least that's what seems to be response of people on the newsgroup iitk.misc. Have been wondering for a while if I should put one of my nostalgic poems/article on some newsgroup. For whatever reasons have decided against it - something should appear in Meander. Departmental farewells have already started and am looking forward to the one by our department. But the ACA has not yet handed over the charge - I do hope we get the farewell :-) Departmental farewell is a better occasion to feel nostalgic than the institute function (Nostalgia) - there are just too many people in the institute one to make the cohesive group required to bring up the feeling of nostalgia. Am also looking forward to GH farewell. Ideally this should see the most cohesive group, but am not quite sure of it. With less than 50% of us actually graduating (let me add hopefully before that :-) ), the real feeling might just be missing. In my wing, anyway, I am the only one going out.

Heck, I am rambling here - but so what? This is the reason why I have created this blog. You can skip first few posts here - these are all the creation of nostalgia or whatever this feeling before going out from here is. After that issues of more general interest would come up.
