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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Sunday, April 18, 2004

8 semesters at IITK

8 semesters at IITK

Semester 1: A semester of pleasant surprises //And I thought getting good grades at IITK was easy!
Semester 2: A semester of exploration //Too many new things to do and explore - IITK at its best for me.
Semester 3: A semester of disasters //I discovered that a fall of 2 in SPI does not fetch you a warning...
Semester 4: A semester of recovery //What else can come after disaster?
Semester 5: A healthy semester //All is well with the world.
Semester 6: A semester of missed deadlines [//History repeats itself] and won battle.
Semester 7: An unproductive semester //Got good grades for doing nothing and lost interest in what I could do!
Semester 8: A "Networked" semester //Do not ask for an explanation

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