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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Typical Clockwork

Relax, Bill Gates; It's Google's Turn as the Villain

Being a fan of google is the closest I have come to being a fan of anything/anybody in my life. And of course since they came out with GDS v 2.0 and then Google talk, I just can not stop almost worshipping it :-D

In such a context, above was a nice change. No, not that I completely believe in it. Due to its commitment to open standards (as Abhaya pointed out that yahoo keeps changing its protocol to disallow other clients and at Google, they are themselves telling you about various clients you could use besides theirs!!), it can not lose goodwill that easily. Of course, as Robert H. Schuller rightly said "it is impossible to be at the top of the needle without getting pricked".

However, caution is always a good thing. Both Google and Google worshippers need to be cautious. :)



  • At Thu Aug 25, 03:22:00 PM 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't know why there is a hype abt Google Talk. I think ppl are liking it blindly just because its from google. UI is crappy, no emoticons, no invisible mode and only windows support. Have you tried Skype, I think the linux skype if not better is as good as google talk!!
    Yesterday, I tried it using gaim, I was not able to add a single friend..God knows what was happening..n ppl say Google is God!!

  • At Thu Aug 25, 03:24:00 PM 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry that it refers to Google talk, Yesterday, I tried *google talk* using gaim

  • At Wed Aug 31, 11:15:00 AM 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, actually, the only complaint that I have for GTalk is that it does not have any sidetone (it is an echo of your own voice which helps you figure out that your voice is actually going through and how loud. It improves the QoS and is generally used by all telephone companies.)
    The rest - buggy UI, emoticons, etc - are all temporary as it is but a beta version.

  • At Wed Sep 27, 04:21:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Nice blog!

    Why don’t you consider writing about some of the new

    “India 2.0” sites that are creating a little buzz as






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