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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Oxford Dictionary talks tech

Now, this is a clear indication of how languages change. I have always been skeptical of language fanatics. No, I do not say that individual languages should not be protected and promoted, but have never sympathized with the rigidity some self-proclaimed promoters advocate. Languages change, they have always changed and any irrational attempt at their preservation in the so-called "pure form" would only lead to a faster demise. Sometimes, I can not afford to laugh at the fanatic protagonists of preserving Hindi in its pure form (please note that I am pretty much a Hindi lover - so no "great Hindi" campaign is required here). What is Hindi in itself? A result of distorted Sanskrit, leading to the languages of common masses in ancient times, which underwent several modifications and is in one of the forms called Hindi!! Why not fight for Sanskrit itself then??



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