Miles to go...

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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Meeting in the department with outgoing batch

The best part of the whole thing for me was a walk through the time past. It was impossible for me to give any serious feedback on the courses. But as people were talking, very enthusiastically, about all the courses, I was recalling all these years. And there were so many things I had forgotten, which I got to recall today, including the fact that we had actually studies NP complete problems in one of the courses. I said we have not studied it in enough detail in the IIML interview - and I did not knowingly lie; I actually did not remember doing it in TOC!! And that POPL exams were the best of all - gosh I, still, can not recall what was there in these exams! I did not expect it to go on for so long; so had to leave at 8.30 because of other commitments. Also, with attendance issue cropping up, it was getting boring for me (and probably I found myself little trapped, since the HOD remembered very vividly the IAC meeting, in which I, accidentally, found myself talking on this attendance thing, about which I was no longer willing to talk!).

Anyway, nice walk down the memory lane.
