Miles to go...

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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Friday, April 23, 2004

The last working day at IITK

It was the last working day at IITK. Someone asked how does it feel - relaxed? relieved? Not really - Rather empty. Something known to every drop of blood, every cell of the body is about to come to an end. It happens again and again in life and still, every time, it seems as strange and new kind of feeling as was the last time.

No need to hurry through or miss breakfast and lunch to reach the classes anymore (sometimes dinner!). And no more sleeping in classes of course (ah! The days of core courses). The restlessness in some of the boring classes and the eagerness to go to the classes of interest - phenomena of past.

The earliest memories of the classes at IITK is that of "Good morning! Welcome to IIT Kanpur. We will first have a quick overview of this course XYZ101, then the grading scheme and then move on to the first topic..... surprise quizzes, 2 mid-sems, 1 end-sem, tutorial attendance.... and now let's start with...." - what a pace on the first day of the classes. And about the last day of classes at IITK - well how does it matter if the working days are over - I have an extra class on the coming sunday - a day before the last end-sems! There could not have been a better and more representative way to finish classes at IITK.

Hail IITK!
