Miles to go...

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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Thursday, April 29, 2004

The last departmental exam

It was the last departmental exam - with CS725! What a feeling - Did not realize it was so until I finished it! So, finally the "ordeal" of computer science education is over (hopefully nothing really unexpected happens in next one month :-) ). Unfortunately with the mess I made out of CAT - can't say its the end of computer science/programming. But its ok - at least a step in that direction!!

This department is nice though - I must say. And at the end of it all, even if I am not much of a computer scientist, I am glad I had joined this department. Now, why it was a nice department to be in and why I could not become a computer scientist - both need one article each. Sometime later - the Psychology exam is still left.
