Miles to go...

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Ramblings by Jaya Jha

Friday, July 23, 2004

To do or not to do

I am wondering if there is really any harm in living a quiet life here for two years. Quiet being equivalent to keeping myself away from any extra-curriculars and more specifically any organizational task. They have several rounds of selection process for taking you into organization committees of various clubs etc.

Since I had applied to only three (yeah, that's only by the standards of the place) and have managed to reach to the second round only in one, the chances are anyway less that I will finally be in. But wondering if even giving this one a try is worth it. People are so seriously doing their tasks (a mini-project sort of assigned for the second round) that doing it half-heartedly won't lead me anywhere anyway. And my heart just does not seem to be into it. I have started liking the leisure to read and write extremely and am really not sure if I want to give it up for a line in my resume! I feel that I was a bit too much into organization at IITK, from the very beginning, to have been able to find time to participate in the competitions/programmes. May be, I should save time to participate here.

Interests don't count here anyway. If you talk of that you have almost proved yourself an alien!! Resume is not good enough a motivation.

And if my mentor(s) happen to land on this site, I will anyway be chucked out, won't I? :-)

Let's see.



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